► Performance and Presentation: 17th Deleuze and Guattari Studies Internationl Conference, June 2025, Stockholm, Sweden / "Giftfullness and the Crisis of the Image of the Proletariat"
► Presentation: 16th Deleuze and Guattari Studies Internationl Conference, 8-10 July, Delft, The Netherlands.
► Adminnistrative Director Position / Directrice admministrative du Centre d'artistes perte de signal en arts numériques, Montréal, QC, Canada
► 2023: Creation and Prodcution, 'Recomposing-Rhythm-In-Relation'/ Moving With The Transversalizing Movement: From Outside-Itself to For-Itself, Interdisciplinary Composition |Sound & Photograph| •Art & Philosophy Project•
► 2023: Publication : "The temporality of the event of freedom as a political praxis - -زمانیّتِ رویداد آزادی به مثابه پراکسیس سیاسی", in English and Farsi
► 2023: Re-In/De-Fusion Project: Leading a Group Reading and Working Group onFélix Guattari's The Three Ecologies in Farsi, Online.
► 2023: Re-In/De-Fusion Project: Introductionary and Preparatory Workshops, "Process Aesthetics", Online.
► General and Artistic Director Position / Directrice générale et artistique du Centre d'artistes Vaste et Vague, Carleton-sur-mer, QC, Canada
► Mars 2023: Award Recipient - Phil Cohen Music Award, Graduate Studies/Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
► Jan 2023: Residency @ Banff Centre For The Arts and Creativity, Banff, Canada
► publication
► 16-18 October, 2022: Concerts in Armenia and Iran. more information to come: October 18: Cyland Festival 2022, Yerevan, Armenia Katherine Liberovskaya & Anoush Moazzeni "Piano Inside-Out" A/V Performance: piano "plus" and live electronics and live visuals
► Fall 2022 - winter 2023 : Composition Comission from the Passé Présent project, will be preented in june 2023, Canada
► 17-21 October: Installation at Festival Internacional De La Imagen, Video performance and presentation, " Travelling In-Between Intenstities: A Conceptual and Aesthetic Itinerary For Imaginative Investigations & Doing Philosophy", Bogota, Colombia. "
► Fall 2022 : Teaching Assistanship, FFAR The City After Dark, Concordia Univeristy, Montréal, Canada.
► 15-16 September, 2022 : Oral Live Presentation, The 9th International Conference on Arts and Humanities 2022,"Research-Creation: Dissolving into the Pluriverse - Rethinking Technology and Decolonizing The Aesthetic"
► August 29, 2022: Hybrid Performance for Augmented Piano, Electronics, Movement, Anoush Moazzeni, Montreal, Canada.
► August 5, 2022: Exhibition -Installation, Interdisciplinary Composition for Movement, Bodily gesture-driven Piano Music and Wearable Art - Anoush Moazzeni, Sepideh Azadmehr, Farank Mohammadikhan, Maximilians Forum Gallery, München, Germany.
► July 20, 2022: Hybrid Performance for Augmented Piano, Electronics, Movement, Live Video - Anoush Moazzeni, Emilie Mouchous & Katehrine Lieberovskaya, Casa Del Popolo Montreal, Canada.
► May 9, 2022: Workshop In French: L'introduction à la conception des interfaces physiques en arts numériques, Semaine NumériQC, Quebec City and Online, Canada
► May 27, 2022: Screening and Presentation of Micro Opera Composition, Commissioned by the RISE OPERA-Reflective Iterative Scenario Enactments, Tehran, Montreal & ONLINE
► April, 2022: Video Interview, Open Studio, RadioSeda
► 12 & 13 April, 2022: Performance and Lecture @ Arts and Human Rights Symposium: "Building Positive Relations: The Arts, new Materialism, Posthumanism and Human Rights", Organized by The University of Ottawa's Human Rights Research and Education Centre(HRREC), ONLINE
► Workshop in Farsi: Soundscape Ecology Workshop: SoundWalk, Listening Walk & Sound Making in Esfahan, Arpa College of Music, Esfahan, Iran
► February 16, 2022: Workshop (in-person), "Healing In-The-Making: improvisational Explorations in the Post-Pandemic Era", Tehran, Iran
► February 4, 2022: Showcase/Screening, Video Piano Performance "I'm Listening to A Senile Man" @ VideoSound Archive, Issue3, Performer & Video production: Anoush Moazzeni, Composer: Can Bilir, ONLINE Archive
► 2022: New Member of the Canadian University Music Society(MusCan), Ca.
► January 10 - 28, 2022: Musician in Residence @ The Banff Centre for the Arts & Creativity, Winter Music Program, With Scholarship, Banff, Ca.
► January 14 & 18, 2022: Preparatory Workshops for the "Building Positive Relations: The Arts, new Materialism, Posthumanism and Human Rights", Organized by The University of Ottawa's Human Rights Research and Education Centre(HRREC), ONLINE
► January - May 2022: Composer and Research Assistant, RISE OPERA-Reflective Iterative Scenario Enactments, Montreal, Ca. ONLINE
► December 20, 2021: Artist Talk - Invited Artist @ Workshop:در جستجوی اشکال دیگری از روایت پرفورماتیگ شنیداری-بصری، led by amen Feizabadi, InjaMasterclass centre, Tehran, Iran
► December 12, 2021: Artist Talk @ Iranian Female Composers' Association's "Composers Forum", ONLINE
► November 11, 2021 - Janurary 11, 2022: Showcase of "Dissolving into the Pluriverse"(mixed-music composition - video performance)by the Canadiian New Music Network(CNMN)-Réseau Canadien pour les musiques nouvelles, CNMN's streaming and social platforms, ONLINE
► November 9, 2021: Workshop" Introduction à la conception de dispositifs physiques en arts numériques - Introodusction to the Conception of Physical Interfaces in Digital Arts", Host:LA CHAMBRE BLACNHE, ONLINE
► October 14, 2021: Screening and Presentation of the "The Persoanl Pandemic" digital mini-opera, RISE OPERA Reseach and Creative team, Role: Research Assistant, MTLConnecte, Moontreal, Ca.
► September - December, 2021: Research Assistant, RISE OPERA-Reflective Iterative Scenario Enactments, Montreal, Ca. ONLINE
► September - December, 2021: Teaching Assistant, "Histories of Music and Culture: Folk Music in Canada", Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University, Montreal, Ca. ONLINE
► September 1, 2021: Juror of the inaugural Marcelle Deshênes Prize in ELectronic Music, Organized by MusicWorks Magazine, Toronto, Ca.
► August - September 2021: Production Residency with Performance, Lecture and Instalation;"Autopoiesis in The Becoming - Autopoièse dans le devenir", Micro Opera Essay, @LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE, Quebec City, Ca
► July 26, 2021: PUBLICATION; Interview with Frédéric Cardin entiteled "The Most Fascinating Quebec Artist you (probably) don't know, published on panm360.com available in French and English:https://panm360.com/en/interviews-panm360/most-fascinating-quebec-artist-you-probably-dont-know-anoush-moazzeni-piano-avant-garde-concordia-iran-suoni-popolo/
► June 24, 2021: Youtube Premiere of RISE Opera : Personal Pandemic, @ 12 PM (EST), More info: riseopera.ca
► June 15, 2021: Post- Performance Interview with Stefan Christoff #TuneIne on www.suoniperilpopolo.org @ 8pm(EST)
► June 15, 2021: Performance @ Suoni Per Il Popolo Festival, "Deterritorializing the Realm of the New Music" project, pieces from more 18 West Asian Composers written for Anoush Moazzeni: Piano & objects + electronics and/or spoken word, poems, and voice. @ 7:30 PM(EST) on https://suoniperilpopolo.org/horaire/anoush-moazzeni
► March 1 - June 10, 2021: Production and Post-Production of "Deterritorializing the Realm of New Music" Performance Project, for an Online presentation at Suoni Per Il Popolo Festival in June 2021
► May 12, 2021: Critical Reflection #2, RISE Opera Project: Personal Pademic, Online Event vis Zoom.
► March 2021: Grant Award from the Canada Council for the Arts, Research-Creation/ Explore and Create: From Concept to Realization Program, for the "Deterritorializing the Realm of New Music" projec, Canada
► February 24, 2021: Opera Primiere(in Progress): Personal Pademic, RISE Opera Project, Online Event: https://www.concordia.ca/cuevents/offices/provost/fourth-space/programming/2021/02/24/personal-pandemic--a-mini-opera-workshop-launch-by-the-rise-proj.html
► Winter Issue 2020/2021 / MusicWorks Magazine : Featured Artist: Anoush Moazzeni, 5 pages articles by Sara Constant, You can order the magazine+CD: www.musicworks.ca
► 5 February, 2021: 3H Workshop, "Introduction to The Contemporary Piano Music: Performance and Composition", Gozar Academy of Music, Tehran, Iran.
► 18 December, 2020 - 28 February, 2021: Virtual Exhibition at the Aga Khan Museum, "Dissolving into the Pluriverse", Mixed music composition and graphic score commissioned by the Aga Khan Musieum, Curator: Charity Chan, Toronto, Canada
► Winter-Spring 2021: Teaching Assistant, "Movie Soundtrack", @ Music Department, Concordia University.
► 14 November, 2020: Online Workshop (3h) in French, in collaboration with LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE (Art Centre), "Introduction à la conception de dispositifs physiques en arts numériques", LA CHAMBRE BLANCHE, Online > Formulaire en ligne pour s'inscrire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAu49fzp_Y8opTFE3xA49R6jqC0hhvzqqoa8zf-C_Yo0XBTg/viewform
► September 2020 - September 2021: Research Assistant @ RISE Mini Opera Project, Department of Music, Concordia University.
► 9 October, 2020: Lecture/Masterclass, IUSBC Composers, Composition Seminar led by Dr. Ryan Olivier, Indiana University, USA.
► 15 September - 1 Decebmer, 2020: Call for score & proposal for West Asian Composers(including those in the diaspora), with the support of the Canadian Music Centre(CMC) and Iranian Female Composers Association(IFCA), for Piano & objects + electronics and/or spoken word, poems, and voice.
► 27 August - 17 September, 2020: Online Workshop Series (4 courses), "Introduction to The Contemporary Piano Music: Performance and Composition", Rangahang School of Music, Tehran, Iran.
► 27 August - 17 September, 2020: Online Workshop Series (3 courses), "(Input devices/) Physical Interfaces for Musical Expression", Rangahang School of Music, Tehran, Iran.
► 15 July, 2020: Workshop, "Introduction to The Contemporary Piano Music: Performance and Composition", Navaye Shahr Ashoub Music Institut, Tehran, Iran.
► #StaySafe Anoush offers a series of livestream performances and online talks on her social media acccounts during the Pendamic: Follow her on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube and stay tuned
► 2020: Membership @ Feminist Media studio : https://feministmediastudio.ca/
► ANNULÉ/CANCELLED(due to COVID_19) March 2020: Workshop Series - Physical interfaces in the electronic arts, Bidar School of Arts and Literature, Tehran, Iran
► ANNULÉ/CANCELLED(due to COVID_19) March 2020: Master Class - Developing Performing Skills for Staging, Arpa Music Institute, Esfahan, Iran
► ANNULÉ/CANCELLED(due to COVID_19) March 2020: Master Class - Extended Techniques in Contemporary Piano Performance, Arpa Music Institute, Esfahan, Iran
► ANNULÉ/CANCELLED(due to COVID_19) March 2020: Master Class - Piano Performance, Arpa Music Institute, Esfahan, Iran
► ANNULÉ/CANCELLED(due to COVID_19) April-May 2020: Production Residency, La Chambre Blanche, Quebec City, CA
► 17 - 18 February, 2020: Confrence (Oral) Presentation, Anoush Moazzeni & Emma Bramshey : "Women & Hardware-Based Technologies for Musical Expression: A Critical Analysis - EDI in STEAM" at the 6th Dubai - International Conference on Social Science & Humanities (ICSSH), Dubai, UAE
► 15- 16 February, 2020: Confrence (Oral) Presentation, Anoush Moazzeni & Emma Bramshey : "Women & Hardware-Based Technologies for Musical Expression: A Critical Analysis - EDI in STEAM" at the International Conference on “HR , Education and Social Sciences (HESS)”- MRRDS-2020, Osaka, Japan
► December, 2019: Travel Grant, Conference Presentation, Graduate Student Association, Concordia University, Montreal, CA
► 19 December, 2019: Public Presentation & Artist Talk, Presentation of the Final VR Art Work of "Vidéographe x Maison d'Haïti: Workshops in Co-Creating an Immersive Audio-Visual Art Work", Centre des arts de la Maison d'Haïti Montreal, CA
► 24 November , 2019: Concert| Performance, EMERGENTS I - Organized by "Music Gallery", Curator: Sara Constant, 8 pm Nov 24 - 2019, Great Hall, 918 Bathurst St., Toronto, CA
► 4 November, 2019: Recording, @Recording Studio, Department of Music, Concordia University, Montreal, CA
► November, 2019: Travel Grant, Conference Presentation, INDI Program, Concordia University, Montreal, CA
► Article| Publication : Anoush Moazzeni and Emma Bremshey, (2019), "Women & Hardware-Based Technologies for Musical Expression: A Critical Analysis - EDI in STEAM"
► Research-Creation| Presentation: Anoush Moazzeni, (2019), "An Interdisciplinary Composition for Decolonizing the Mind"
► Ongoing Research Project: "Mixed-Music Improvisational Practice & Feminist Studies", with Eldad Tsabery
► September - December, 2019: "Transversal Transgressions" - Guattari Reading Group, Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology, Montreal, CA
► September 2019: Membership @ Milieux/LePARC: Milieux's Performing Arts Research Cluster, Montreal, CA
► September - December, 2019: Project Conception and Coordination @Vidéographe - Project: "Vidéographe x Maison d'Haïti: co-création d'oeuvre audiovisuelle immersive", Montreal, CA
► 19 - 20 September, 2019: Oral Presentation and Performance (Research-Creation: An Interdisciplinary Composition for Decolonizing the Mind), 6th International Conference on Arts Humanities: Decolonization in the Arts and Humanities, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
► 5 July, 2019: Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of the Piano/pianist Interaction : Cognition, Perception and Movement. Organized by CIRMMT, Clara Lichtenstein Hall, Montreal, CA.
► 11 June, 2019: Piano Performance, Interpretation of Pieces for Piano & Electronics from contemporary canadian composers, "Sound Landscapes" of the XVII International Image Festival/ FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE LA IMAGEN, Digital Humanism, Manizales, Colombia
► 5-16 June, 2019: Participation in Field School of Fine Arts in Colombia, Manizales, Colombia
► 27-31 May, 2019: “Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM: Achieving research excellence by adopting new perspectives”. Summer Institut, Concordia University, CA
► 9 - 10 May, 2019: Interuniversity, Interdisciplinary Student Symposium around the theme “Encounters, Collaborations and Interdisciplinarity in Music Research”. Members of membres of Observatoire interdisciplinaire de création et de recherche en musique, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology and Cirmmt/Oicrm/Brams Symposium/Colloque. CIRMMT, CA
► May 2019: Thompson Family Field School Award, Faculty of Fine Arts, Concordia University, Montreal, CA
► March & April, 2019: Teaching Assistant at Concordia University, " THE HISTORY OF 20TH CENTURY FASHION", Fine Arts Interdisciplinary Studies Course, Faculty of Fine Arts, Montreal, CA
► 28 March, 2019: Conference Presentation, INDI Research Day: "Crossing over: Moving across disciplines", Concordia University, CA
► 2019: Program and Communications Manager at Videographe: Media Art Centre, Montreal, CA
► 2019: Membership @ HEXAGRAM: International Network Dedicated to Reseach-Creation in Media Arts, Design, Technology and Digital Culture, Montreal, CA
► 2019: Membership @ CIRMMT: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, Montreal, CA
► March, 2019: Teaching Assistant at Concordia University, "Transdisciplinary Composition and Creation", Department of Music, Faculty of Fine Arts, Montreal, CA
► 2018: Peer Assessment Committee Member for Canada Council for the Arts (CAC). Grant Programmes: "Explore and Create: 'Research-Creation' & 'Concept to Realization'"
► November 17-19, 2018: International Conference on Mixed-Music Pedagogy 2018, Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Montreal, CA
► November 2018: Graduate Award Concordia Merit Scholarship, Concordia University, Montreal, CA
► 30 November, 2018: Presentation @Athelier de la methode: Transacademic Collaborative Reseach/Creation Project, UQAM (Universtié dU Québec à Montréal), Montreal, CA
► 2018: Artistic Director/Executive Assistant at Videographe: Media Art Centre, Montreal, CA
► October 2018: Grant award from Canada Council for the Arts (CAC): Arts Abroad Grant / Reyonner à l'international, QC, CA
► 7 November, 2018: Athelier de la methode: Transacademic Collaborative Reseach/Creation Project, UQAM (Universtié dU Québec à Montréal), Montreal, CA
► 14 October, 2018: Athelier de la methode: Transacademic Collaborative Reseach/Creation Project, UQAM (Universtié dU Québec à Montréal), Montreal, CA
► 6-9 September, 2018: Performance @Festival d'art Féministe de Tunis/Tunis International Feminist Art Festival, Tunis, Tunisia
► August 2018: Summer Feminist Festival, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, CA
► June 2018: Grant Award from Première Ovation
► 21 June, 2018: Presentation of Research-Creation Project "Signifiant Otherness" @Composite#15 during Elektra Montreal Festival, CA
► 18-25 June, 2018: Collaborative Research-Creation Residency, OBORO, Montreal, CA
► 2018: Grant award form Première Ovation for Research-Creation Project, Qc, CA
► July - August 2018: Residency, Peer-sessions Summer 2018 / Commissions, Project: “Concert for Pianist & Non-Human Network”, La Cité Internationale des Arts de Paris,Paris, France
► 5-7 April, 2018: The Arts of Trans, Gender Divers, and Two Spirit Lives Conference., The Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF), McGill University, Montreal, CA
► 26 March, 2018: Concert produced by Codes D'accès - Comprovisations for Piani+ and Robotic Devices, @La Sala Rossa, Montreal, Canada
► 5 March, 2018: Digital Album Release - " Metamorphosis II for Piano Plus", Available on Itunes, Apple Music and Google Play : http://itunes.apple.com/album/id1357425421?ls=1&app=itunes
► 1 March, 2018: Project Presentaion - "Concert for Pianist and Non-Human Netwrok" at Rolston Recital Hall, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Banff, Canada
► February 2018: Scholarship // Boris Roubakine Memorial Endowment Award offered by Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity for partivipation in "Concert in the 21st Century" Residency, Banff, Canada
► 2018: Athelier de la methode
► February 12 - March 3, 2018: Musician in residence - "Concert in the 21st Century" Program, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Banff, Canada
► 2018: Membership @CQAM : Conceil québécois des arts médiatiques
► 2018: Selected artist by Labsession#13 - ZzCc's Duo Performance project- Labsessions invite emerging artists working in the field of digital art to submit a new work-in-progress project. Labsession and partners(more than 10 Art Centres) aim to support emerging artists working in digital arts, and to give them the opportunity to showcase the work they do, Quebec City, Canada
► August 1, 2017: Comprovisation, Solo Concert - 3d International Conference of Dalcroze Studies - ‘The living moment: Exploring improvisational practice’, Quebec City, Canada.
► July 16, 2017, 2D Audio Spatialized Performance on Piano+ and Robotic Devices, New York City Electoracoustic Music Festival(NYCEMF 2017), New York City, USA
► Grant Award from CALQ (Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec) for 2D Audio Spatialized Performance on Piano+ and Robotic Devices to be presented at the NYCEMF 2017, New York City, USA
► Prsentation of Practice-based Research: Epistemic Self-reflexivity to the Human-machine Relationship within an Unconventional Piano Performance Practice, Kunstuni Graz, Doctoral School for Artistic Research (KWDS), Graz, Austria
► June 20-23, 2017: Conference Reviewer of the 23th International Conference of Auditory Display. Pensilvania State University, Pennsylvania,USA.
► June 4, 2017: Lecture/Workshop on “Comprovisation” - Festival de musique et d'art sonore . Music and Sound Art Festival, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.
► June 3, 2017: Comprovisation, Solo Concert - Festival de musique et d'art sonore . Music and Sound Art Festival, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.
► May 22-25, 2017: Participation as Invited Artist, Northern Connection Conference, RPI Univeristy, University of Maine, McGill Univerity, IMRC CENTRE, Orono, USA
► April 15, 2017: Album Release, Quintet Improvisation, Nate Aldrich(Electronics), Leslie Ross( Bassoon & Electronics), Steve Norton( Bass Saxophone) and Duane Ingllas( Percussion, voice).
► April 4, 2017: Performance "Comprovisation for Piano+ and Robotoc Devices". Soirée F5, Museum of Civilisation Quebec City/Musée de la civilisation de Québec, Quebec City, Canada.
► March 23, 2017: Workshop on electroacoustic Music/Max MSP, EQ: Women in Electronic Music, Toronto, Canada
► March 6, 2017: Recording Session, Piano+ and Robotic Arms, Recording Studio of CÉGEP de Drummondville, Drummondville, Canada
► February 26, 2017: Concert of “Ensemble nous sommes Québec”. Capitole de Québec, Quebec City, Canada.
► February 24, 2017: Concert of contemplation: in Solidarity with Anoush Moazzeni, IMRC Center, University of Maine, Stewart Hall, Orono, USA.
► February 1, 2017: Musician in Residency at LANTISS (Laboratoire des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Image, du Son et de la scene / Laboratory for Image, Sound and Scene New Technologies) - Working on the 3D Audio Spatialization technologies
► Scholarship award from the Première Ovation Musique/ Ville de Québec and Ampli Québec, for Musician in Residence at The Banff Centre, Comprovisations on Piano+ with Robotic devices.
► Scholarship award from the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, for Musician in Residence at The Banff Centre , Comprovisations on Piano+ with Robotic devices.
► January 8-28: Musician in residence with award of The Banff Centre of Arts and Creativity, Creation-Production Residency, Concert of Piano+ and Robotic devices, The Banff Centre o Arts and Creativity, Banff, Canada
► November 7: Recording Session - Experimental Music Improvisation. Anoush Moazzeni(Piano), Nate Aldrich(Electronics), Leslie Ross (Bassoon and electronics), Steve Norton(Bass Saxophone), Duane Ingalls(Percussions). At IMRC (Innovative Media, Research and Commercialization Center), Orono, USA.
► October 20: Recording Session at CIRMMIT- McGill Univertiy, Montreal, CA
► October 17-21: Visiting artist in McGill Research Centers & Collaborative Research with the University of Maine : CIRMMT (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology)/McGil, IDMIL (Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory)/McGill, EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center)/UMaine.
► September 10 & 11: Concert of Piano+ and Live Electronics With Live Video, RETHinkArt Digital Festival. Rethymno, Crete, Greece.
► August 26: Concert of Piano+, Automated Unconventional Instruments, Augmented Bassoon and Live Video. Anoush Moazzeni on Piano+, Live Electronics and Live Video, Sonia Paço-Rocchia on Automated Unconventional Instruments, Augmented Bassoon and Live Electronics, @The Cannery, Maine, USA
► August 22-26: Musicians in Residence @The Cannery at South Penobsco, Collaborative Reserach-Creation residency with Sonia Paço-Rocchia, Maine, USA
► August 21 & 22: Anoush Moazzeni on Electronics, Chamber Music Concert, Sound Imrov Festival, Maine, USA
► July 7: 40 minutes Concert of Piano+ & Live Electronics. Anoush Moazzeni on Piano+ and Real Time Electronic Manipulation and Dr.Aaron Liu-Rosenbaum on Live Electronics, Hosted by: Festival Off de Québec. Ed.2016 Quebec City, Canada. More info> http://quebecoff.org/artistes-2016/anoush-moazenni
► June 19 - 24: Concert of New Music, on the Fender Rhodes. TCML 2016, 918 Bathurst Centre for Culture, Arts, Media & Education and the Canadian Music Centre’s Chalmers House, Toronto, Canada
► May 31- June 4: Attendance to the Immersion Symposium/Conference and Workshop, SAT, Montréal, Canada
► May 26: Radio broadcasting of the entire Compo-performance "Hyper Piano", performed and recorded live in Tortonto in Feb 2016 ☛ On CHYZ 94.3 and CKRL 89,1 / 7:30 pm Eastern Time
► 4th place winner of the “Bourse en milieu de pratique BMP Innovation” The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) In collaboration with the Musée de la civilisation de Québec (MCQ) “A national identity study through the creation of an emergent opera” “Une étude d’identité nationale à travers de la création d’un opéra émergent”
© Copyright 2022 anoushmoazzeni.com.